Fruitful garden

Printing House KOPA garden

„Together with the team – from a lawn of the printing house to a fruitful garden“

Every team has personalities with different characters, communicative peculiarities, different hobbies or attitudes to certain things. The way how we manage to communicate among us, how we feel the environment or responsibility for the others and ourselves shape the company's culture. Team is similar to personal relations – both the first impression and sustainability of relations with the years passing by matter. Every moment counts: how we manage to work independently, how we see our colleagues, customers and how we manage to devote ourselves into teamwork.
On the 1st of October, we had another opportunity to test sustainability of our team, to prove that team work is nothing new to us, that we are capable of having fun and spending quality time together.

On that day:

  • 6 cubes soil were brought,
  • 15 litres sweat were shed while digging 0.8 meter deep holes,
  • 50 litres juice were consumed to restore lost bodily fluids,
  • a number of fruit trees were planted.

Therefore, after a few years instead of inviting our clients to our printing house lawn we will invite them to our green garden to relish our own grown delicious apples.


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